Digimon Survive

by HYDE, Inc., Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.

The Developer Says...

Digimon Survive presents a hybrid visual novel and tactical RPG set in a mysterious world filled with dangerous monsters and deadly battles that will test your ability to survive.

Players Like...

❤ The Visual Novel Experience

Players will spend the majority of their time reading through the game's extensive dialogue and story sequences. This visual novel gameplay includes: - Branching dialogue choices that can impact the story, character relationships, and even Digimon evolutions - Fully voiced dialogue for major story moments - 2D character portraits with some limited animation - A "karma" system that tracks the player's moral alignment (Moral, Wrathful, Harmony) based on dialogue choices The visual novel portions form the core focus, with the story and characters being the main draw for players.

❤ The Tactical RPG Battles

Approximately 20-30% of the gameplay involves turn-based tactical combat. In these sections, players control a party of Digimon in grid-based battles against enemy Digimon. The tactical RPG elements include: - Turn-based battles with positioning and elemental advantages/weaknesses - The ability to recruit enemy Digimon to join the party by talking to and befriending them - Leveling up and evolving Digimon to gain new abilities and stats - Adjustable difficulty settings, allowing players to customize the challenge While not as extensive as the visual novel segments, the tactical RPG battles provide an enjoyable change of pace.

❤ Additional Gameplay Interactions

Beyond the visual novel and tactical RPG sequences, the game also features some other minor gameplay interactions: - Exploration of different areas to find hidden items and gain information - A phone camera feature that allows players to take pictures and discover new items - "Shadow" battles against stronger enemies that can be triggered at will These additional elements help break up the pacing and provide optional content for players to engage with between the core gameplay experiences.

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