eSail Sailing Simulator

by eSail Ltd.,

The Developer Says...

eSail Sailing Simulator is an authentic yacht sailing experience with numerous tutorials, sailing, mooring and anchoring modes, charting, challenges, races, Live Sailing mode, 'Learn Yachting with eSail' training course and more.

Players Like...

❤ Realistic Sailing Mechanics

Players praise the game's attention to detail and accuracy in modeling various sailing concepts and techniques. The ability to precisely manage the sails, lines, winches, and other sailing equipment mimics real-world yacht handling. Reviewers highlight specific features like adjustable backstay, travelers, and other trim controls that contribute to the game's realism. The fluttering telltales on the sails indicate the simulation's focus on sail trim and aerodynamics. Overall, the consensus is that the game provides a remarkably authentic sailing experience.

❤ Comprehensive Tutorials and Training

The game includes a complete "Learn Yachting" course with 20 interactive tutorials narrated by sailing experts. Reviewers consistently praise the quality and depth of these tutorials, stating that they provide a comprehensive introduction to sailing concepts and skills. Many players comment that the tutorials have helped them learn or re-learn important techniques, from raising sails to anchoring and navigation. Some reviewers even suggest that the game could potentially replace or supplement in-person sailing lessons for beginner sailors.

❤ Challenging Gameplay Features

Beyond the tutorials, the game offers a variety of gameplay challenges and scenarios to test players' sailing skills. Reviewers mention features like sailing races, treasure hunts, steering challenges, and anchoring tests as ways to put their knowledge into practice. The racing mode, in particular, is highlighted as a way to develop skills in areas like tactics, tacking, gybing, and sail trimming. The anchoring challenges, which test the player's ability to properly set the anchor in varying conditions, are also praised as a unique and valuable simulation of this critical sailing skill.

❤ Exploration and Discovery

While the game is primarily focused on the mechanics of sailing, reviewers also appreciate the exploration and discovery elements. The fictional Shearwater Islands setting is described as an engaging "sailing playground" with various points of interest to discover, from shipwrecks to a Venice-like city. The "Live Sailing" mode, which simulates dynamic weather and environmental conditions, is highlighted as a way to freely explore the game world and collect "Master Explorer" achievements. Reviewers note that the sense of open-ended exploration, combined with the realistic sailing mechanics, creates a highly immersive and rewarding experience.

❤ Community and Developer Support

Several reviewers comment on the active and supportive community surrounding the game, as well as the developer's commitment to the title. Mentions are made of the developer's responsiveness to player feedback and the addition of new features over time, indicating a positive and engaged relationship between the studio and the playerbase. This level of developer support and community involvement is seen as a significant asset, as it suggests that the game will continue to evolve and improve over time, providing an ever-expanding and polished sailing simulation experience.

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