Ancient Warfare 3

by Jannik Nickel

The Developer Says...

Dive into a sandbox full of action and customization! Choose from different game modes like deathmatch, conquest, king of the hill, zombie survival and many more. Create your own scenarios and content in the easy to use in-game editors or use one of the 50k+ workshop items from other players...

Players Like...

❤ Customization and Sandbox Gameplay

Players praise the game's extensive customization options and sandbox-style gameplay. You can create your own custom scenarios, maps, units, and equipment using the in-game editors. This gives you an incredible amount of freedom to design and play out your own unique battles and simulations. Many reviewers highlight how this level of customization sets the game apart from more rigid "battle simulator" titles.

❤ Diverse Content and Time Periods

Another key aspect that players enjoy is the diverse range of content available. The game features units, weapons, and equipment spanning different historical eras, from the ancient and medieval periods to modern and futuristic settings. This allows you to stage battles between all kinds of factions and unit types, leading to highly creative and unique scenarios.

❤ User-Created Content and Sharing

The game's extensive Steam Workshop integration is a major draw for many players. Reviewers praise the large and active community that has created thousands of custom maps, battles, prefabs, and more for others to use and enjoy. Being able to access and incorporate this wealth of user-created content significantly expands the game's possibilities.

❤ Gameplay Mechanics and Scripting

While the core gameplay mechanics are relatively simple, reviewers note that there is still depth and complexity available through the visual scripting system. This allows you to create custom behaviors and rules for your battles, giving you even more control over the experience. The scripting system is praised for being accessible, even for those without programming experience.

❤ Areas for Improvement

Some common critiques include occasional bugs and performance issues, especially when dealing with very large-scale battles. The AI pathfinding and decision-making is also noted as an area that could use some refinement. However, many reviewers acknowledge that the game is still in early access and are optimistic about future improvements.

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