Follow the grim tale of young Amicia and her little brother Hugo, in a heartrending journey through the darkest hours of history.
To successfully bypass enemies, you must crouch, stay in the shadows, and extinguish light sources. You can pick up and throw objects to create diversions, light torches to ward off rats, and even craft alchemical items like firebombs to eliminate larger threats.
Mastering these environmental interactions is key to surviving the challenging encounters. As the story progresses, you gain access to new abilities and crafting options that expand your repertoire, such as upgrading your slingshot and ammo capacity.
While combat is not the primary focus, you must occasionally defend yourself and Hugo from more direct threats using your slingshot as a weapon. The encounter design balances stealth and combat elements, presenting you with a variety of challenges that test your mastery of the game's mechanics.
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