Legend of Homebody

by 疯王子, CrazyPrince

The Developer Says...

The simple game of a shut-in learning from home and earn money. (The game is purely fictional, do not try this out in reality. This is a somewhat serious and heavy game, so don't be fooled by appearances.)

Players Like...

❤ Game Overview

The game follows the stories of three different characters - Shen, Zhai, and Bai - as they navigate the challenges of pursuing creative careers as freelancers. Players must carefully manage the characters' daily activities, skills development, and financial situations over a 2-year period to help them achieve their goals.

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay revolves around a simple point-and-click interface, where players interact with various objects in the character's home environment to perform actions like sleeping, eating, studying, and working. The game is structured in a turn-based format, with time progressing as the player takes actions, and continuing to pass even when the player is idle, adding a strategic element to the gameplay.

❤ Skill Development and Progression

Skill development is a key aspect of the experience, as players can invest time and resources into taking courses, practicing their craft, and completing various projects to improve the character's writing, music, art, and programming skills. As these skills level up, the character gains access to new opportunities and can take on more lucrative freelance work.

❤ Character Differentiation

Each of the three playable characters has their own unique background, personality, and set of challenges to overcome. For example, Shen struggles with the pressure of her traditional Chinese family, while Zhai must balance her artistic pursuits with caring for her sick mother. These differences add depth to the gameplay and encourage players to explore multiple playthroughs to experience the diverse narratives.

❤ Ending Conditions and Replayability

The game features multiple possible endings, with the outcome depending on the player's choices and the character's overall achievements. This, combined with the different starting points and challenges presented by each character, gives the game a high degree of replayability, as players can experiment with different strategies and approaches to reach their desired goal.

❤ Player Praise

Many players have praised the game's realistic depiction of the struggles faced by freelance creators, particularly the financial and mental health challenges. The game's simplicity and accessibility have also been well-received, with players appreciating the ease of use and the ability to quickly progress through the 2-year timeline. Additionally, the game's narrative elements, including the character-specific storylines and the ability to customize in-game projects, have been highlighted as engaging and immersive.

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