Play With Gilbert - Remake

by Joure Visser

The Developer Says...

Play With Gilbert is a third-person sandbox game created for young children (Ages 3+) which encourages curiosity and role-play while helping them become familiarized with 3D games and gameplay.

Players Like...

❤ Sandbox Exploration and Traversal

Players freely roam a variety of child-friendly, open sandbox environments as the playable kitten character. Levels include a city park, beach, and more, each filled with interactive objects and characters to discover. The game encourages curiosity and role-play, allowing players to explore creatively.

❤ Movement and Traversal

Players control the kitten's smooth, intuitive movement, with the ability to walk, run, jump, and climb. While some reviewers note occasional "jerkiness" in the jumping and controls, they overall find the mechanics accessible and well-suited for young players new to 3D game controls.

❤ Collecting Kittens and Fish

A key objective is finding and "rescuing" lost kittens scattered throughout the levels. Reviewers highlight this as an engaging mechanic that captivates younger audiences as they track down and reunite with the other feline characters. Similarly, players can collect various fish hidden in the environments.

❤ Interacting with the Environment

Beyond collectibles, the sandbox allows players to interact with the world in myriad ways. They can drive vehicles like cars and hang gliders, play with physics-based objects, and even perform activities like delivering pizzas. Reviewers praise these interactive elements for enhancing the sense of freedom and exploration.

❤ Customization and Progression

Players can customize the kitten's appearance by unlocking new fur types, hats, glasses, and other accessories, providing a satisfying level of personalization. The game also features a dynamic day/night cycle and seasonal changes that alter the environments, adding an extra layer of discovery.

❤ Cooperative Multiplayer

Local co-op support enables parents and children to explore the levels cooperatively, a feature reviewers highlight as a strength that facilitates bonding.

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