
by Damian Bernardi, SomniumSoft

The Developer Says...

Lawgivers is a turn-based political simulation game. Run for elections with your own party and enter parliament to approve or abolish laws. Appoint the president and decide whether you want a democracy or just a fake one instead.

Players Like...

❤ Overview

The game puts players in control of a political party, challenging them to compete in elections, pass or abolish laws in parliament, and manage the loyalty and popularity of their party members.

❤ Election Campaigns

Players can choose from a variety of real-world inspired political parties or create their own custom party, each with unique ideological leanings. Crafting effective election promises is crucial, as players must balance voter appeal with the practical implications of fulfilling those promises once in power. Many reviewers praise this delicate balance as engaging and addictive.

❤ Lawmaking and Governance

Upon gaining control of parliament, players can propose and vote on a wide range of ordinary and constitutional laws, each with specific effects on the country's budget, population happiness, and party loyalty. Navigating the diverse interests and ideologies of parliament requires strategic negotiation, bribery, and careful timing of legislative actions. Reviewers highlight the depth and nuance of the lawmaking system, which extends beyond simply passing or rejecting bills.

❤ Party Management

Maintaining the health and stability of the player's political party is crucial. Party members have varying levels of experience, popularity, and loyalty, which must be actively managed through actions like skill investment, campaign funding, and even bribery. The risk of defections and voting against the player's interests adds tension to the decision-making process, which many players appreciate.

❤ Replayability and Depth

While some reviewers note the potential for repetition, most praise the game's impressive replayability. The diverse selection of countries, each with unique political landscapes, combined with the ability to create custom party ideologies, ensures that no two playthroughs are likely to be the same. The emergent, player-driven nature of the political narratives further contributes to the game's depth and longevity.

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