Witch Hunt

by Gua

The Developer Says...

Witch Hunt is a challenging horror themed hunting game that takes place in the 18th century. Main focus of the game is on exploration, non-linearity, and atmosphere.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Non-Linearity

Players can freely roam the expansive forested area surrounding the town of Bellville, uncovering various landmarks, cabins, caves, and other points of interest. This open-world design encourages players to organically discover clues and track down the different supernatural creatures they must hunt, rather than following a linear path.

❤ Methodical Hunting Gameplay

The core gameplay loop revolves around carefully locating the position of boss monsters. Players must use audio cues and a magical spell that lets them briefly see through the eyes of their prey to methodically stalk and track their quarry. This slow-paced, deliberate process requires patience and care as players navigate the environment and position themselves for the best shot.

❤ Weapon and Resource Management

Players must manage their limited resources, such as slow-loading musket and pistol ammunition, as well as magical mana used for abilities. Conserving ammunition and selecting the proper weapon is crucial, as the game's aggressive enemy AI can easily overwhelm players who waste their shots. This limited resource management adds tension and encourages a cautious, calculated playstyle.

❤ Skill Progression and RPG Elements

The game features a skill system that allows players to unlock and upgrade various abilities, such as faster reloading or increased damage from silver crucifixes. These upgrades, along with the ability to purchase new weapons and items, provide a sense of progression and customization to the player's playstyle. The RPG-like mechanics complement the core hunting gameplay loop, giving players a tangible sense of growth and improvement.

❤ Challenging Difficulty and Atmosphere

The game's punishing difficulty and immersive, atmospheric environment are standout features. Players must contend with powerful boss monsters and a variety of aggressive lesser enemies that can quickly overwhelm them. The lack of hand-holding and reliance on environmental cues to navigate and survive creates a tense, unsettling atmosphere that many players find highly engaging and rewarding to overcome.

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