Dustforce DX

by Hitbox Team,

The Developer Says...

Take control of a nimble janitor to rid the world of dust and debris.

Players Like...

❤ Tight and Responsive Controls

Players praise the game's tight and responsive controls, which require mastering a unique movement system involving actions like dashing, wall-jumping, and gliding. Reviewers describe the controls as fluid and cohesive, allowing for intricate maneuvers that feel very satisfying to execute. Many note that the controls take time to learn but are incredibly rewarding once they click.

❤ Depth and Complexity of Movement Mechanics

Reviewers emphasize that the game features a wealth of advanced movement techniques and mechanics that players can learn and master over time. Things like frame-perfect inputs, jump cancelling, and momentum-based movement create a very high skill ceiling. One reviewer states the game is "one of the deepest and most technically demanding 2D platformers ever made," noting that it's not about simple running and jumping, but rather mastering a complex set of abilities.

❤ Focus on Speedrunning and Perfection

A major part of the experience is the emphasis on speedrunning and achieving perfection. Each level has leaderboards for both score and raw time, incentivizing players to improve their runs and compete with others. The game's ranking system, which awards higher grades for more flawless clears, reinforces this drive for perfection. Reviewers highlight how watching replays of top players is both impressive and educational.

❤ Sense of Flow and Rhythm

Many players praise the way the gameplay flows and feels rhythmic. The controls and momentum-based movement create a sense of uninterrupted traversal, where players can enter a state of "flow" as they seamlessly navigate environments. One reviewer describes the experience as feeling like "riding through a musical masterpiece" due to the tight integration between the gameplay and the game's soothing, atmospheric soundtrack.

❤ Challenging but Rewarding

While the game is widely acknowledged as extremely challenging, with a steep learning curve and high skill ceiling, reviewers emphasize that the difficulty is fair and ultimately very rewarding to overcome. One player states that the "sense of accomplishment from mastering the game's mechanics and beating difficult levels is frequently cited as a key reason [they] keep coming back."

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