An auto-RPG with strategic combat, deep crafting and programming elements, animated entirely in ASCII-art. In a realm of perpetual darkness, a single stone could change everything...
One of the game's defining features is its innovative approach to player agency. Unlike traditional RPGs, the character moves and acts autonomously, turning the experience into an "auto-RPG." To optimize the character's performance, players can program its AI using the custom Stonescript language. Reviewers praise the depth and flexibility of this system, which allows for sophisticated automation and strategic optimization - from automatic potion usage to complex combat tactics. This programming element transforms the game into an engaging coding challenge on top of the core RPG mechanics.
While the character acts automatically, players must carefully select their equipment and abilities to handle various enemy types and encounter challenges. Switching between weapon, shield, and other item loadouts at the right times - such as using a sword and shield for close-range foes or a crossbow against distant enemies - is crucial. Moreover, the combat system requires strategic timing, as players must learn enemy patterns and respond quickly to certain abilities. This blend of autonomous action and manual optimization creates an engaging and unique combat experience.
The game features a robust crafting system that allows players to upgrade and combine their equipment. As they explore and defeat enemies, they collect resources to craft more powerful gear. The crafting mechanics are deep, providing opportunities to min-max and optimize high-level item creation. Progression is closely tied to this crafting loop, as players must continually improve their equipment to overcome increasingly difficult challenges and unlock new areas.
An interesting aspect is the integration of idle gameplay mechanics. When players are away from the game, the character can continue exploring and gathering resources automatically. This "offline mode" enables passive progression, which reviewers appreciate for its flexibility. However, some comments suggest the balance and pacing of this offline gameplay may need refinement to avoid feeling tedious.
Beyond the core RPG mechanics, the Stonescript programming language allows players to create their own custom scripts, minigames, and mods. This has led to an active community that shares and collaborates on various Stonescript creations, fostering a sense of creativity and experimentation. The developers further enhance this experience by regularly hosting events and challenges, such as "Stonejams," that encourage players to showcase their programming skills and contribute to the game's evolving ecosystem.