Sprint Vector

by Survios

The Developer Says...

Welcome to Sprint Vector Championship Intergalactica, where the physical thrill of extreme sports meets the unhinged energy of a zany game show! Run, jump, climb, drift, and fly at extreme velocity as you race up to 8 players and battle obstacles in this frenetic VR adrenaline platformer!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The game combines the physicality of extreme sports with the zany energy of a game show. Players use an innovative "Fluid Locomotion" system to run, jump, climb, drift, and fly across colorful, obstacle-filled race courses. The gameplay requires players to use their entire bodies, swinging their arms to build up speed and performing a variety of movement techniques to navigate the tracks.

❤ Intuitive and Challenging Movement System

The core of the gameplay is an intuitive but difficult to master movement system. Players propel themselves forward by quickly swinging their arms up and down, with the speed of their arm movements directly translating to in-game speed. This "arm-swinging" locomotion feels natural and immersive, allowing players to really feel the sense of speed and motion. Mastering the movement goes beyond just arm-swinging. Players must also learn techniques like drifting, jumping, climbing, and even flying in order to navigate the complex, obstacle-filled tracks. Reviewers consistently praise the intuitive feel of the movement, noting how it avoids motion sickness while providing an intense full-body workout.

❤ Diverse, Obstacle-Filled Race Courses

The game features 12 unique race tracks and 9 challenge courses, all of which are visually striking and packed with obstacles and environmental hazards. Tracks range from ancient ruins to futuristic cityscapes, with plenty of ramps, shortcuts, and traps to navigate. In addition to the environmental obstacles, players must also contend with power-ups and attacks from other racers. Reviewers praise the variety and challenge of the race courses, noting the abundance of alternative routes and hidden shortcuts that reward skilled players.

❤ Competitive Multiplayer

The game is a competitive, multiplayer-focused experience, supporting online races with up to 8 players. Reviewers highlight the intense, adrenaline-fueled nature of these multiplayer matches. The competitive element is heightened by global leaderboards, which track player's best times on each track. However, a recurring criticism is the game's relatively small player base, with some reviewers lamenting the difficulty in finding full online matches.

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