Sneak and smash your way through this fiendishly addictive comedy-puzzle-adventure
The game lets you transform between human and werewolf forms, each with distinct abilities. As a human, you can interact with control panels, swim through water, and squeeze through tight spaces. Your werewolf form grants the strength to push and move heavy objects. Mastering the interplay between these forms is essential to solving the increasingly complex Sokoban-style puzzles.
If you get stuck, you can access a two-tiered hint system. The first level provides subtle nudges, while the second offers direct solutions. Importantly, you can also choose to skip puzzles entirely, with the option to return and solve them later. This flexibility ensures the puzzles remain engaging without becoming impassable roadblocks.
Beyond the core puzzles, the game world is filled with side quests, hidden areas, and collectible comic book pages that expand on the characters and backstory. Completing these optional objectives provides a sense of progression and discovery that keeps you engaged long after the main story.
Transitioning between human and werewolf forms is smooth and responsive, allowing you to quickly adapt your strategy as needed. The game's top-down perspective and logical level design make it easy to plan and execute the necessary moves, maintaining your immersion in the puzzle-solving experience.