Golf It!

by Perfuse Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Embark on an exciting journey with Golf It! Seize your putter, rally your friends, and immerse yourself in an epic minigolf adventure. Conquer countless courses, create lasting memories, and refine your skills to emerge as the ultimate minigolf champion. Your thrilling golfing odyssey begins here!

Players Like...

❤ Swing Mechanics and Ball Control

Players praise the unique swing mechanics that set this game apart from other mini-golf titles. Instead of a traditional power meter, players control the power of their swing by the speed and movement of the mouse. This provides a more natural and skill-based putting experience, as players must time and execute their swings precisely to achieve the desired ball trajectory and power. Reviewers consistently note how this control scheme feels closer to real mini-golf, requiring players to truly master the feel of the swing to consistently sink difficult putts. The game also emphasizes ball control, with reviewers highlighting the realistic physics that allow for carefully lined up and fine-tuned shots.

❤ Course Creation and Workshop Support

A major draw for players is the robust course creation tools and deep integration with the Steam Workshop. The built-in level editor allows players to craft their own intricate mini-golf courses, with a wide variety of themed objects, terrain features, and gameplay elements at their disposal. Reviewers praise the virtually endless replayability stemming from the thriving community of course creators, with thousands of user-made levels available to explore and challenge oneself against. Players consistently cite the level of creativity on display in these community courses, highlighting specific examples that stood out for their clever, challenging, or visually impressive designs.

❤ Multiplayer and Social Experience

Players emphasize how this game shines as a highly social, multiplayer-focused experience. Reviewers describe the hilarious and memorable moments that arise when playing with friends, whether that's through friendly competition, creative course sabotage, or simply enjoying the chaotic nature of the game's physics. The ability to host servers and play with up to 30 players at once further enhances the communal aspect, allowing larger groups to join in the golfing mayhem. Many reviewers highlight how the game's multiplayer brings people together, fostering both cooperation and rivalries among players.

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