Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

by Obsidian Entertainment, Versus Evil

The Developer Says...

Patch 5.0 - Turn-based mode and The Ultimate challenge out now! Pursue a rogue god over land and sea in the sequel to the multi-award-winning RPG Pillars of Eternity. Captain your ship on a dangerous voyage of discovery across the vast unexplored archipelago region of the Deadfire.

Players Like...

❤ Diverse Combat Options

The game offers players a choice between real-time with pause (RTwP) combat or an optional turn-based mode. In RTwP, characters have a recovery time that determines the order of actions. Players can pause at any time to issue commands, allowing for tactical planning. The turn-based mode introduces a more methodical, deliberate combat experience, catering to those who prefer a more tactical approach.

❤ Extensive Character Customization

The class system provides a wide array of options, and players can create multiclass characters by combining abilities from different classes. This deep customization allows for significant build diversity and experimentation. Players can also extensively customize their party of up to 5 companions, adjusting their classes, abilities, equipment, and even their relationships.

❤ Ship-Based Gameplay

Players captain their own ship, which serves as a mobile base. Ships can undergo upgrades and customization. Naval combat is a key component, with players needing to manage their ship and crew to emerge victorious in battles at sea.

❤ Meaningful Choices and Consequences

The game world of the Deadfire Archipelago offers an open, non-linear experience. Players freely choose which factions to align with or antagonize, and their decisions have significant consequences throughout the story. The game presents players with complex moral dilemmas and political intrigue, emphasizing player agency.

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