by TUNIC Team, Finji

The Developer Says...

Explore a land filled with lost legends, ancient powers, and ferocious monsters in TUNIC, an isometric action game about a small fox on a big adventure.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Discovery

As you traverse the mysterious, interconnected world, you'll stumble upon hidden paths, unexpected shortcuts, and tantalizing mysteries. Careful observation and experimentation are key, as uncovering these secrets creates a profound sense of wonder and accomplishment.

❤ The Instruction Manual Mechanic

Scattered throughout the world are pages of an in-game instruction manual. Collecting these gradually reveals maps, controls, and other crucial information. However, the manual is written in an indecipherable language, forcing you to piece together its meaning through contextual clues and your growing understanding of the game. This unique mechanic encourages critical thinking, making connections, and continuously reevaluating your assumptions.

❤ Combat and Progression

The game features a challenging combat system inspired by the "Soulslike" genre. You must master the dodge, block, and parry mechanics to overcome fierce enemies and towering bosses. Combat is a dance of carefully timed attacks and evasions, rewarding your skill and game knowledge. As you acquire new weapons, items, and abilities, the combat evolves, providing a sense of progression and mastery.

❤ Nonlinearity and Flexibility

The game's nonlinear structure allows you to tackle challenges in a flexible, open-ended manner. Many areas and puzzles can be accessed and solved in multiple ways, empowering you to approach the game in a style that suits your preferences and playstyle. This freedom encourages experimentation and rewards lateral thinking, fostering a deep sense of agency and accomplishment.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Secrets

As you delve deeper, you'll uncover unexpected interactions, abilities, and optional challenges that were not explicitly communicated. These emergent gameplay elements create a sense of continuous discovery, as you're constantly surprised by the depth and intricacy of the game's systems. Seeking out and mastering these secrets becomes a rewarding goal in itself, contributing to the overall sense of mystery and replayability.

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