by FK Digital, Arc System Works

The Developer Says...

Simple yet highly flexible hi-speed 2D Fighting game! Enjoy the thrill of fighting with all the flashy moves!

Players Like...

❤ Customizable Movesets Fuel Personalized Playstyles

When selecting a character, players can choose two out of four additional special moves and two out of four super moves to complement the character's default moveset. This robust customization system allows players to tailor each fighter's playstyle to their preferences. Furthermore, the choice between a run or a step-dash option further diversifies each character's movement and meter management capabilities.

❤ Accessible Inputs, Depth-Filled Combo Potential

The game utilizes a straightforward 4-button control scheme, similar to the King of Fighters series, with light and heavy punches and kicks. However, this simplistic input method belies the depth of the combat system. Players can chain special moves and super attacks together in intricate combo sequences, rewarding those who invest time into mastering each character's unique properties and techniques. The inclusion of air dashes and double jumps introduces dynamic aerial movement and combo extension options. When combined with the ability to cancel normal attacks into special moves, skilled players can create flashy, unpredictable offensive sequences.

❤ Diverse Roster Encourages Experimentation

The roster of 16 unique characters offers a wide range of playstyles to suit different preferences. From the grappler-focused Bravo, the Italian chef who fights with kitchen utensils, to the magical girl-inspired Cait & Sith, each fighter has distinct strengths, weaknesses, and strategic approaches. This variety ensures players can find a character that aligns with their personal style, while also providing a well-balanced cast that incentivizes exploration and matchup analysis.

❤ Nuanced Neutral Game and Resource Management

While the game's combo potential is impressive, Chaos Code's gameplay also emphasizes neutral positioning and footsie-based movement. The customizable special moves and unique character abilities can provide distinct advantages in controlling space and opening up opportunities for key hits. Careful management of the character's meter is essential, as using it wisely for EX special moves, super attacks, and defensive options can significantly impact the flow of a match.

❤ Accessibility and Depth for All Skill Levels

The game strikes a careful balance between accessibility and depth, appealing to both casual and competitive players. The straightforward control scheme and generous input buffer allow newcomers to quickly grasp the fundamentals and start enjoying the fast-paced, flashy combat. At the same time, the nuanced mechanics, character-specific strategies, and high-skill combo potential provide ample room for skilled players to develop advanced techniques and engage in intense, high-level matches.

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