Natural Selection 2

by Unknown Worlds Entertainment

The Developer Says...

A fast paced multiplayer shooter that pits aliens against humans in a strategic and action-packed struggle for survival!

Players Like...

❤ Blending Genres Seamlessly

Players can choose to take on the role of either a human marine or an alien lifeform, each with their own distinct playstyles and abilities. This fusion of first-person shooter (FPS) and real-time strategy (RTS) elements creates a dynamic and engaging experience, challenging players to excel at both tactical decision-making and precise, skill-based combat.

❤ Strategic Command and Cooperation

One of the standout features is the inclusion of a Commander role for each team. The Commander oversees the battlefield from a top-down perspective and manages resources, constructs buildings, researches technologies, and issues orders to their team. This strategic layer requires players to coordinate with their Commander and teammates to achieve victory.

❤ Diverse Alien Lifeforms

As an alien player, you can choose from a variety of unique lifeforms, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. These include the agile and deadly Skulk, the massive and formidable Onos, and several other specialized units. Mastering the abilities and synergies of these lifeforms is crucial for a successful alien team strategy.

❤ Versatile Marine Arsenals

The human marines have access to a wide range of powerful weapons and equipment, from the trusty assault rifle to the devastating railgun. Players can also construct powerful Exosuits and utilize jetpacks, adding another layer of tactical depth to the marine gameplay.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Replayability

The combination of FPS and RTS elements, along with the diverse range of units and abilities, ensures that each game feels unique and presents new challenges for players to overcome. The high level of unpredictability and the ability to drastically alter the flow of a match contribute to the game's enduring appeal.

❤ Dedicated Community and Modding Support

The game's open-source code and robust modding tools have enabled the creation of a vast array of custom game modes, maps, and enhancements, further expanding the gameplay possibilities. This level of community involvement and support has helped to sustain the game's longevity and ensure a steady stream of new content and experiences for players to explore.

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