
by Alawar Stargaze (Warm Lamp Games), Alawar

The Developer Says...

You’re a state-installed landlord in a totalitarian country. Place listening devices, steal and sneak into your tenants’ apartments. Use what you uncovered to report anyone capable of plotting against the state. You MUST! But WILL you?

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❤ You Assume the Role of a State-Installed Landlord in a Totalitarian Dystopia

The game places you in the shoes of Carl Stein, a state-appointed landlord tasked with spying on and reporting your tenants to the oppressive regime. You constantly face difficult moral choices as you balance your duty to the totalitarian government against your desire to help your family and tenants.

❤ Carefully Manage Resources to Survive

Effectively managing your finances is crucial to your survival. You must carefully allocate your limited funds to support your family's needs (medicine, education, etc.) while also paying bribes and fines to avoid punishment from the state. Failing to strike the right balance can lead to tragic outcomes, such as the death of a family member.

❤ Navigate a Complex Web of Intertwined Quests and Storylines

Each tenant has their own unique circumstances and challenges, presenting you with opportunities to help, harm or exploit them. The choices you make during these quests can have far-reaching consequences, leading to vastly different outcomes and endings in the game.

❤ Utilize Surveillance to Gather Incriminating Evidence

A key mechanic involves installing hidden cameras and wiretaps to monitor your tenants' activities. You must decide when to intervene and when to turn a blind eye, as the information you gather can be used to blackmail, frame or report them to the authorities.

❤ Grapple with Constant Tension and Moral Dilemmas

The game excels at creating a sense of unease, frequently presenting you with agonizing decisions where helping one person may come at the expense of another. There are no easy answers, forcing you to confront the ethical implications of your choices.

❤ Encourage Repeated Playthroughs with Branching Storylines and Multiple Endings

While the core narrative remains the same, the game's branching storylines and multiple possible endings encourage you to revisit the experience. Each decision you make can lead to vastly different outcomes, allowing you to explore the complexities of the totalitarian setting and your own moral compass.

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