TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children

by Dandylion

The Developer Says...

TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children is the first season of a turn-based strategy SRPG that takes place in the world of Troubleshooter.

Players Like...

❤ Tailor Your Squad with Endless Customization

The character customization system is the centerpiece of the gameplay experience. Players can choose from 9 unique recruitable characters, each with 3 distinct classes to unlock. But the real depth lies in the "Mastery" system. Masteries are passive abilities that provide a wide range of bonuses, from increased damage to improved defense. With an astounding 827 individual Masteries and 427 Mastery Sets (specialized combinations), players can endlessly experiment to craft characters tailored to their preferred playstyles. Want a hard-hitting damage dealer? A durable tank? A stealthy sniper? The build possibilities are nearly endless. This freedom to mix-and-match Masteries and see how they synergize is a major draw. It allows for tremendous replayability, as players are always discovering new ways to optimize their squad.

❤ Dynamic Turn-Based Combat

Battles play out in a tactical, turn-based fashion, with characters acting individually based on their speed stat. This "initiative" system creates a more dynamic flow compared to the standard team-by-team structure. Faster allies and enemies can interrupt each other's turns, forcing players to carefully consider the order of their actions. The combat system incorporates familiar tactical mechanics like high/low cover and overwatch. However, the wide variety of enemy types, each with their own unique Masteries and abilities, ensures that players must continually adapt their strategies. Defeating a heavily armored foe requires different tactics than outsmarting a stealthy specialist or overwhelming a massive boss.

❤ Diverse Missions and Narrative Integration

Over 100 unique missions task players with objectives beyond just combat, such as rescuing hostages, defending locations, or pursuing fleeing targets. The battlefield layouts and environmental conditions change from mission to mission, adding an extra layer of challenge. This mission variety, combined with the deep customization options, guarantees that no two playthroughs will feel identical. Players are constantly presented with new situations that demand creative solutions. Notably, the gameplay is tightly integrated with the game's narrative. Story missions advance the overarching plot while unlocking new playable characters and systems. The characters' backstories and motivations become interwoven with the player's tactical decisions, adding an engaging context beyond just min-maxing.

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