A side story for The Labyrinth of Grisaia, this episode takes place just after Kusakabe Asako officially names Kazami Yuuji her successor as number 9029, and details his globe-hopping exploits thereafter. Yet more secret passages of The Labyrinth of Grisaia are revealed within...
The gameplay in this visual novel primarily involves reading through an engrossing story and making occasional choices that can affect the narrative. Rather than complex mechanics, the experience centers around progressing through the text-heavy content and immersing oneself in the unfolding events.
According to user reviews, this title lacks the "questionable choices" or branching paths commonly found in visual novels, indicating a linear story structure with minimal player agency. The gameplay focuses on passively experiencing the story rather than making impactful decisions that alter the course of the plot.
Most players report completing this side story in around 2 hours, significantly shorter than a full-length visual novel. While some may see the brevity as a drawback, others appreciate the condensed narrative as a satisfying supplement to the main Grisaia trilogy, providing fans with additional content without demanding a substantial time investment.
Reviewers highlight the game's ability to deliver an "engrossing story" and "interesting artwork," praising the narrative and presentation as strengths. The story, which takes place after the events of the previous game, is praised for expanding on the protagonist's past exploits and revealing more "secret passages" of the Grisaia universe.
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