A side story to The Labyrinth of Grisaia, this game explores protagonist Kazami Yuuji's past, focusing on his life with Kusakabe Asako, the CIRS agent who rescued him at a young age from a terrorist organization. Secret passages of The Labyrinth of Grisaia are revealed within...
This visual novel packs an intense narrative into a razor-sharp 1.5-2 hour experience. Players must complete The Labyrinth of Grisaia before diving into this narrative extension.
The story peels back layers of protagonist Kazami Yuuji's complex past, revealing intimate moments with Kusakabe Asako, the CIRS agent who rescued him from a terrorist organization. Readers uncover hidden connections between characters through meticulously crafted vignettes.
Fans celebrate the unprecedented full voice acting for Yuuji, hearing his character evolve through pitch-perfect teenage and childhood vocal performances. His dialogue adds unprecedented emotional texture to the Grisaia universe.
With minimal player interaction, the single narrative branch offers subtle dialogue variations. One mid-story selection point allows slight narrative nuancing without fundamentally altering the plot trajectory.
Completely clean rating, eight carefully rendered CG images, narrative segments exploring both protagonist and peripheral character perspectives, deep lore expansion revealing organizational and character backstories
Hardcore series enthusiasts will find this a must-play companion piece, offering rich contextual understanding of established character relationships.
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