Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds

by Dingo Games

The Developer Says...

Control a tiny ball of grey goo with the ability to eat anything smaller than itself. The more it eats, the bigger it gets! Eat rats, dinosaurs, gladiators, samurai, pyramids, volcanoes... Everything! Soon you'll be eating the entire planet.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay and Mechanics

You control a small grey goo blob with the ability to consume anything smaller than itself. As you eat more objects, the blob increases in size, enabling it to then devour larger items. This creates a satisfying progression where you start off tiny and slowly grow into a massive, all-consuming force. Many players praise the simplicity and addictiveness of this core mechanic. The gameplay is easy to pick up but challenging to master, as you must carefully navigate levels and time your consumption to avoid running into dangers that can reduce your size. The responsive, if intentionally "floaty", controls suit the gameplay well. The game features a wide variety of consumable objects, from basic animals and structures to fantastical sci-fi elements. As you progress through the different historical time periods, the diversity of items keeps the gameplay feeling fresh. Leveling up from microscopic sizes to the point of devouring entire planets and galaxies is also highly satisfying.

❤ Level Design and Progression

The main campaign contains almost 50 levels across six time periods, providing a good balance of challenge and variety. While some levels can feel repetitive or overly difficult, the overall pacing and progression is compelling. Earning medals on levels by completing them within certain time constraints adds an optional layer of challenge, encouraging experimentation with different consumption strategies. Beyond the main campaign, the game also includes nearly 50 bonus levels that offer further opportunities for exploration and increasingly complex challenges. This extensive content provides great value for the game's modest price point.

❤ Cooperative Multiplayer

The game features a full cooperative multiplayer mode, allowing you to share the satisfaction of the core gameplay loop with a friend. Reviewers praise this mode for its natural fit with the game's design, as you can collaborate to efficiently navigate levels and maximize your collective size. The cooperative mode adds a new strategic element to the gameplay that many find enjoyable, extending the game's longevity and providing an entertaining alternative to the solo experience.

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