The No. 1 LEGO® videogame franchise triumphantly returns with a fun-filled, humorous journey based on the blockbuster film. The game will also feature brand new story content from the Star Wars Universe that explores the time between Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Players take control of various iconic Star Wars characters, including Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Han Solo, and Chewbacca, embarking on a humorous, brick-built journey through the events of the film. The game seamlessly blends platforming, puzzle-solving, combat, and exploration into an engaging and accessible experience.
The game introduces several new gameplay mechanics that expand upon the traditional LEGO formula. The "Multi-Build" system allows players to choose from multiple building options to progress through levels, adding an extra layer of puzzle-solving and player agency. Players can construct different objects from the same pile of LEGO bricks, opening up new paths and possibilities. The game also incorporates cover-based shooting sequences, transforming certain sections into intense blaster battles. Players must take cover behind environmental objects and time their shots carefully to take down enemies. Additionally, the game features a variety of vehicle-based gameplay, ranging from on-rails shooter sections to more open-ended dogfighting sequences, allowing players to take control of iconic Star Wars vehicles like the Millennium Falcon, X-Wings, and TIE Fighters.
The game encourages exploration and discovery, with open-world hub areas on each planet offering a wealth of side content, including character-specific quests, collectibles, and additional story beats that expand upon the events of the film.
The game supports local cooperative play, allowing players to team up and experience the adventure together. The split-screen mode provides a fun, accessible way to tackle the game's challenges with a friend.
The game's presentation captures the whimsical, humorous spirit of the LEGO franchise. The cutscenes blend dialogue from the film with original comedic moments, delivering a lighthearted interpretation of the Star Wars story. The visual style, characterized by the iconic LEGO aesthetic, is bright, colorful, and highly detailed.
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