Atlantic Fleet

by Killerfish Games

The Developer Says...

Turn based tactical and strategic naval combat. Atlantic Fleet puts you in command of the Allies or Kriegsmarine (German Navy) in the longest military campaign of WWII, The Battle of the Atlantic.Take command of surface ships, submarines as well as carrier and land based aircraft in the deadly struggle for control of Atlantic shipping...

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❤ Overview

This turn-based tactical and strategic game puts players in command of either the Royal Navy or the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) during World War II's Battle of the Atlantic. The game offers a variety of modes, including single missions, faction-specific campaigns, and a dynamic campaign that spans the entire war.

❤ Ship Mechanics and Combat

The core gameplay revolves around maneuvering ships, targeting enemies, and adjusting firing solutions to score accurate hits. The game features a detailed damage model, allowing players to disable specific ship subsystems to cripple or sink opponents. In each turn, players first plot their ships' movements, then switch to the action phase to fire their weapons. This system demands careful tactical planning, as players must consider factors like wind, range, and elevation when lining up their shots. Reviewers praise the hands-on gunnery mechanics, which require manually adjusting firing solutions based on shell splashes and target movement - a refreshing change from automated targeting systems in other naval games.

❤ Submarine Warfare

Submarines play a significant role, with players able to command both surface ships and underwater vessels. The game accurately represents submarine mechanics, such as the ability to dive to different depths and use specialized anti-submarine weapons. Effectively managing the interplay between surface ships and submarines is crucial, as players must counter enemy subs while protecting their own convoys.

❤ Dynamic Campaign

The dynamic campaign allows players to experience the ebb and flow of the Battle of the Atlantic. In this mode, players must manage their fleet, protect merchant shipping, and engage in random encounters with the enemy. Reviewers highlight the campaign's sense of realism and historical accuracy, with the game's representation of convoy routes, weather conditions, and resource constraints adding to the strategic challenge.

❤ Customization and Replayability

The game offers a good degree of customization, with players able to choose from a variety of historical ship classes and configure their fleets. The single missions and campaigns also provide ample replayability, allowing players to experiment with different tactics and strategies. Reviewers praise the game's attention to detail, with the accurate ship models and historical authenticity contributing to a sense of immersion for naval history enthusiasts.

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