Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

by Antimatter Games, Tripwire Interactive

The Developer Says...

Red Orchestra Series' take on Vietnam: 64-player MP matches; 20+ maps; US Army & Marines, PAVN/NVA, NLF/VC; Australians and ARVN forces; 50+ weapons; 4 flyable helicopters; mines, traps and tunnels; Brutal. Authentic. Gritty. Character customization. And napalm in the morning.

Players Like...

❤ Asymmetric Warfare

The game pits the Southern forces, including the US Army, US Marines, Australians, and ARVN, against the Northern forces of the North Vietnamese Army (PAVN) and the Viet Cong (NLF). The Southern forces wield superior firepower and mobility, with access to airstrikes, gunships, and helicopter transport. In contrast, the Northern forces rely on stealth, traps, and spawn tunnels to counter their technological disadvantages. This asymmetric design creates a dynamic and engaging experience. Southern players must coordinate effectively to maximize the impact of their air support and mobility, while Northern players must leverage their terrain knowledge and guerilla tactics to overcome the enemy's technological edge. The result is a constant back-and-forth, where each side must adapt their strategies to the other's strengths and weaknesses.

❤ Realistic and Satisfying Gunplay

The game's gunplay is widely praised for its realism and satisfying feel. Weapons exhibit significant recoil, spread, and ballistics, closely mirroring their real-world counterparts. This attention to detail creates a challenging but rewarding combat system, as players must master weapon handling and positioning to achieve effective kills. The gunplay is further enhanced by the game's emphasis on tactical movement and positioning. Players must be mindful of their surroundings, use cover effectively, and time their engagements carefully to avoid being taken down by unseen enemies. This heightens the sense of tension and suspense, as each encounter feels like a high-stakes, life-or-death situation.

❤ Squad-Based Teamplay

Effective teamplay is a crucial aspect of the gameplay experience. Players are organized into squads, each with a squad leader who can call in support from the team's commander. Squad leaders play a vital role in coordinating their team's movements, marking targets for artillery strikes, and ensuring their squad is in the right position to achieve objectives. The proximity-based voice chat system encourages direct communication within squads, allowing for more nuanced, tactical discussions and decision-making. When a team's squads and commander work together seamlessly, the results can be tremendously satisfying, with well-timed maneuvers, coordinated assaults, and devastating combination of firepower and mobility.

❤ Immersive Vietnam Setting

The game's meticulously crafted Vietnam War setting immerses players in the gritty, atmospheric world of the conflict. The environments, ranging from lush jungles to war-torn villages, capture the historical accuracy and authenticity of the era. The soundscape is a particular highlight, with the roar of helicopter engines, the staccato of gunfire, and the agonizing cries of wounded soldiers creating a truly visceral and immersive audio experience. The integration of period-appropriate music and sound effects further enhances the game's ability to transport players to the Vietnam War era. The atmospheric setting, combined with the challenging and rewarding gameplay, is a major contributing factor to the game's popularity among players who seek a more authentic and immersive military shooter experience.

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