
by E McNeill

The Developer Says...

Darknet is a strategy/puzzle game in which you play as an elite hacker in the Net. Plug into cyberspace, using viruses, worms, and exploits to steal the data before your signal gets traced. Includes both VR and non-VR versions.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

You take on the role of an elite hacker in a cyberpunk virtual world, tasked with navigating complex computer networks and stealing valuable data before your signal gets traced. The gameplay loop blends puzzle-solving with real-time strategy and resource management, creating a uniquely challenging and rewarding experience.

❤ Puzzle-Solving Mechanics

At the heart of the gameplay are node-based puzzles. Each network consists of interconnected nodes, which you must hack by strategically deploying different types of "malware" like viruses, worms, and exploits. Clearing a node requires figuring out the optimal sequence and combination of tools to bypass its security protocols, all within a strict time limit. As you progress, the node configurations grow increasingly intricate, demanding deeper logical thinking and planning skills to overcome.

❤ Resource Management and Progression

Successful hacking grants in-game currency, which you can use to purchase upgrades and new tools. This creates a rewarding cycle of using the right tools to earn money, then investing those funds to become more capable at tackling more difficult targets. Managing your limited resources, such as time and available hacking tools, is crucial, as you must decide when to rush a high-value target or methodically hack easier nodes for funds.

❤ Immersive Cyberpunk Atmosphere

The minimalist, neon-infused visuals and pulsing electronic soundtrack work together to fully immerse you in the cyberpunk virtual environment. Many players praise the game's ability to make them feel like they are truly hacking into a futuristic computer network, especially when experienced in VR.

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