
by Offworld

The Developer Says...

Squad is a tactical FPS that provides authentic combat experiences through teamwork, communication, and realistic combat. It bridges the gap between arcade shooter and military realism with 100-player battles, combined-arms warfare, and base building.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Teamplay

Players must work closely with their 9-person squad, communicating and coordinating to achieve objectives. Squad leaders direct their teams, relaying orders from the overall commander and organizing tactics. Effective teamwork is essential, as victory hinges on the execution of well-planned strategies.

❤ Realistic, High-Stakes Combat

Weapons have a low time-to-kill, meaning players can be quickly eliminated with well-placed shots. Careful management of ammunition and logistical support is crucial, as death has meaningful consequences, removing players from the battle and depleting their team's reinforcement "tickets." Suppressive fire, cover, and positioning are critical to survival in these intense, high-stakes firefights.

❤ Combined-Arms Warfare

The game features a variety of factions, vehicles, and weapon systems that must be used in coordination. Tanks, armored personnel carriers, anti-tank weapons, mortars, and close air support all play important roles. Mastering the interplay between infantry, armor, and fire support is key to achieving victory in these combined-arms engagements.

❤ Organic Base-Building

Squads must work together to gather resources, build fortifications, and establish secure spawn points closer to the front lines. The placement and defense of these forward operating bases can be crucial in determining the outcome of battles, as players shape the battlefield to their advantage.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Unpredictability

Due to the scale of battles, the variety of factions and equipment, and the ability for squads to dynamically influence the battlefield, every match has a sense of unpredictability. Unexpected events, flanking maneuvers, and clutch defensive stands can lead to thrilling, memorable moments that emerge organically from the gameplay.

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