“Ori and the Blind Forest” tells the tale of a young orphan destined for heroics, through a visually stunning Action-Platformer crafted by Moon Studios.
The 2D platforming is the core of the experience, and it is both challenging and extremely satisfying. Players take precise control of the protagonist, nimbly jumping, wall-jumping, and executing aerial maneuvers. As players progress, they gain new abilities like a powerful dash, a double jump, and a light burst attack, expanding their traversal options and the complexity of the platforming challenges.
Certain areas feature complex, multilayered platforming sequences that require carefully chaining together multiple abilities to traverse narrow passages and avoid hazards. These "escape" sequences, in particular, task players with making pixel-perfect jumps under intense time pressure, eliciting a thrilling sense of accomplishment upon success.
The game smartly implements a "Soul Link" checkpoint system, allowing players to create manual save points at any time. This encourages risk-taking, as death only sets the player back to their most recent checkpoint rather than the beginning of a level.
While combat is secondary, the real-time light burst attack provides a satisfying way to defeat enemies or destroy environmental obstacles. Players can unlock and upgrade various combat-focused abilities, but the platforming-centric movement skills remain the true core of the gameplay.
The large, dense map rewards thorough exploration, with new areas and abilities gated behind specific movement skills. The Definitive Edition's addition of fast travel between "Spirit Wells" makes revisiting prior regions to uncover hidden secrets and complete skill trees a smoother process.
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