Fine Sweeper

by Pixel Prophecy

The Developer Says...

Fine Sweeper is a Minesweeper variant with additional features such as a campaign mode, “classic mode”, item drops, leader-boards, and achievements.

Players Like...

❤ Familiar Minesweeper Mechanics with Thoughtful Enhancements

The core gameplay remains true to the classic Minesweeper formula - players uncover a grid, clicking on squares to reveal numbers indicating the proximity of hidden mines. Using this information, players must logically deduce the locations of all mines to clear the board.

❤ Rewarding Progression Through Increasingly Challenging Levels

The campaign mode presents players with a sequence of levels that steadily increase in grid size and mine count. This gradual ramp-up in difficulty provides a sense of progression and mastery, as players' deduction skills are put to the test on ever-larger and more complex puzzles.

❤ Forgiving "Lives" System Reduces Frustration

One key enhancement is the addition of a "lives" system. Players start with a limited number of lives, which are depleted when a mine is triggered. However, extra lives can be found randomly under tiles, allowing players to recover from mistakes. This makes the game more accessible, as a single errant click no longer instantly ends the game.

❤ Visually Distinct Level Environments

As players advance through the campaign, the visual backdrops and color schemes of the levels change, adding a layer of variety. No longer are players staring at the same monochrome grid - the evolving aesthetics help prevent the experience from feeling repetitive.

❤ Flexible Customization Options

Beyond the campaign, the game offers a "Classic Mode" that strips away the lives system for a more pure Minesweeper experience. There is also a fully customizable mode, enabling players to create their own unique puzzles by adjusting the grid size and mine count.

❤ Supportive Developer Engagement

The game's positive user reviews highlight the developer's commitment to addressing player feedback. Bugs have been fixed, and new features have been added based on community suggestions, demonstrating a level of post-launch support that is appreciated by the playerbase.

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