Front Office Football Seven

by Solecismic Software

The Developer Says...

Put yourself in the Front Office with Front Office Football, the professional football simulation from Solecismic Software. Manage your roster through trading, free agency and the amateur draft. Create game plans, organize depth charts and watch your franchise thrive for decades.

Players Like...

❤ Unparalleled Depth in Football Simulation

Players repeatedly praise the game's incredibly deep and realistic football simulation. The 135 different tracked statistics provide an authentic representation of managing an NFL franchise, from roster building to game planning. One reviewer noted the simulation's accuracy is so strong that "in over a hundred years of simulation, there's only been a couple passers with more than 5000 yards 45-50 touchdowns."

❤ Challenging yet Accessible Roster Management

Navigating the salary cap, negotiating contracts, and managing player personalities are key aspects that test players' strategic acumen. The trading system in particular challenges players, as the game doesn't let you "simply take the players you want from other teams." However, the game also allows you to adjust settings like scouting accuracy to tailor the experience for different skill levels.

❤ Granular Control over Game Planning and Play Calling

In addition to roster management, the game empowers players to dive deep into the coaching side. The extensive playbook and ability to custom-tailor game plans and call individual plays lets players truly get into the "X's and O's of football strategy." One reviewer reveled in the "suspense" of critical plays unfolding through the text-based play-by-play.

❤ Engaging Long-Term Franchise Building

The ability to build and guide a franchise over decades is a major draw. Players can watch rookies they draft develop over their careers, make coaching changes, and navigate the highs and lows of building a perennial contender. One reviewer emotionally recounted the "triumph of seeing that guy become the face of the entire league over the past 12 seasons."

❤ Robust Statistical Tracking and Analysis

The game's deep well of player, team, and league statistics allows for a level of quantitative analysis that appeals to the game's "stats-oriented fanbase." Reviewers highlighted features like easily accessing a team's full draft history or viewing "the league's fastest man" as providing valuable information to inform strategic decisions.

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