by Choice of Games

The Developer Says...

Turn a scripted steel-cage wrestling match into a real fight in this 250,000-word interactive novel, the greatest text-based pro-wrestling RPG in the world!

Players Like...

❤ Narrative Depth and Branching Paths

The game boasts over 250,000 words of content, allowing players to immerse themselves in a deeply engaging and highly replayable pro-wrestling story. Players navigate a vast number of meaningful choices that significantly impact the trajectory of the protagonist's career and relationships. The narrative features numerous branching paths, plot twists, and potential outcomes, ensuring that each playthrough offers a unique and unpredictable experience.

❤ Customizable Wrestling Persona

Players can mold their character's wrestling style, choosing to excel as a powerful powerhouse, a technical specialist, or a high-flying daredevil. Additionally, players can portray their character as a heroic "face" or a villainous "heel," shaping the protagonist's personality and relationship with the audience.

❤ Kayfabe Mechanics

The game introduces an innovative "kayfabe" system, which requires players to strategically navigate the line between maintaining the scripted, on-screen persona of their wrestler and revealing the underlying truth and reality behind the scenes. This mechanic adds a unique layer of depth, as players must decide when to keep up kayfabe and when to break it, with significant consequences on the story.

❤ Relationships and Interpersonal Dynamics

Players must carefully navigate the interpersonal relationships and dynamics between the protagonist and other wrestlers, managers, and authority figures. These relationships can lead to valuable alliances, bitter rivalries, and even romantic entanglements, with the choices made in these interactions having a profound impact on the overall narrative.

❤ Sense of Progression and Achievements

As players progress through the game, they can unlock a variety of achievements that reflect their character's development and the choices they have made. These achievements provide a tangible sense of progression and encourage players to experiment with different playstyles and narrative paths to uncover the full breadth of the game's content.

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