Project: Gorgon

by Elder Game, LLC

The Developer Says...

Project: Gorgon is a fantasy MMORPG that allows you to forge your own path through exploration and discovery.

Players Like...

❤ A Truly Customizable Skill System

The game eschews traditional character classes in favor of a skill-based system where players can freely combine and level up over 20 distinct combat skills. This allows for a high degree of customization - you can become a sword-wielding necromancer, a cow-transforming battle chemist, or any other unique combination. Each skill has a high level cap, empowering you to fully develop your desired playstyle.Beyond combat, the game features over 40 "trade skills" covering everything from crafting and cooking to playing musical instruments and developing an alcohol tolerance. These non-combat abilities provide meaningful power boosts and synergies with your combat build, rather than serving as mere side distractions.

❤ Emergent Gameplay through Exploration and Adaptation

The open-ended world design encourages exploration and discovery - there are no quest markers or obvious paths forward. Instead, you must talk to NPCs, read dialogue, and experiment to uncover hidden quests and secrets. This systemic approach extends to combat as well, where enemies have unique abilities that can dynamically interact with the environment and your own skills.Even common loot can have valuable and unique modifiers, rewarding thorough exploration. You never know when the perfect item for your build might be hiding in an unexpected location.

❤ Meaningful Choices with Lasting Consequences

The game presents you with significant decisions that reshape your experience. Becoming a lycanthrope grants powerful abilities but also forces you to transform into a beast during full moons. Choosing the druidic path means you must constantly answer the call of nature, dropping everything to deal with emergencies.These choices don't just affect combat - they fundamentally alter your relationship with the game world. A lycanthropic player may join a pack, while a druid must balance their duties with personal goals. The intricate "favor" system also encourages building rapport with NPCs, unlocking new dialog, training, and exclusive items - but also potential complications.

❤ A Living, Breathing World

The game world is teeming with interactive elements, from inscribing messages on items to leaving notes for other players. NPCs have their own schedules, goals, and relationships, creating a sense of a living, reactive world. Community events like poetry readings and musical performances further contribute to the immersion, as players can collectively participate for in-game benefits.

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