Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered

by Revolution Software Ltd

The Developer Says...

‘Broken Sword - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered’ is a stunning update to the multi million-selling original. A mysterious escapade of intrigue and deceit, in which journalist Nico Collard and her adventuring companion George Stobbart must overcome powerful forces from fulfilling their evil ambitions.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The gameplay revolves around exploring detailed, hand-drawn environments, interacting with characters, collecting and combining inventory items, and solving a variety of puzzles to advance the story. Players take control of either George Stobbart or Nico Collard, the two protagonists, as they investigate a mysterious conspiracy involving ancient Mayan artifacts.

❤ Exploration and Interaction

Players can freely explore the game world, clicking on interactive hotspots to examine objects, speak with characters, and collect items for their inventory. The dialogue system allows players to choose from various conversation options to gather information, make inquiries, and progress the story. Conversations with NPCs are fully voiced, adding to the immersive experience.

❤ Inventory Management

Players can accumulate a wide array of objects, from everyday items to ancient artifacts, which they can then use to solve puzzles or interact with the environment in creative ways. The intuitive inventory system enables players to easily browse and experiment with different item combinations.

❤ Puzzle Solving

Puzzle-solving is a central focus of the gameplay. The puzzles range from logical, object-based challenges to more abstract, brain-teasing conundrums. While some puzzles may require lateral thinking, the majority are grounded in the game's internal logic and can be solved through careful observation and experimentation. The remastered version includes a context-sensitive hint system to assist players if they become stuck.

❤ Pacing and Challenge

The gameplay pacing is generally steady, with a good balance between exploration, dialogue, and puzzle-solving. The difficulty level is accessible for most players, with the occasional more challenging puzzle that may require perseverance to solve. The game does not overwhelm players with an excessive number of puzzles, allowing them to progress at a comfortable pace and enjoy the narrative.

❤ Narrative Integration

Players' actions and choices directly impact the progression of the story, as they uncover clues, unravel mysteries, and shape the interactions between the protagonists and the supporting cast. This encourages players to actively engage with the game world and its characters to fully appreciate the unfolding plot.

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