ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)

by Thomas Biskup, Jochen Terstiege, Zeno Rogue, Krzysztof Dycha, Lucas Dieguez, Assemble Entertainment

The Developer Says...

ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) is one of the most successful roguelike games ever created, boasting a brilliant mix of story, RPG, exploration, and intensely strategic & flexible combat. The Steam version adds various features like achievements, difficulty level customization & play modes.


Challenging, strategic, flexible combat
Randomized dungeons, quests, branching storylines
Character customization, race/class combinations
Perma-death, high replayability
Corruption system, risk/reward
Tactical spell casting, alchemy
Overworld exploration, varied environments

Players Like...

❤ Infinite Playability Through Intricate Systems

Players laud this game's incredible depth, with dozens of playable races and classes, hundreds of monsters and items, and an expansive world to explore. Each character build offers a unique playstyle and set of challenges to overcome, thanks to the game's deep, interacting systems - such as the corruption mechanic that transforms the player in unpredictable ways.

❤ Satisfying, Fair Difficulty

The game's brutal difficulty is a point of praise, as players find the challenge to be fair and rewarding when mastered. Death is frequent and permanent, but the game does not resort to unfair tactics. Instead, it expects players to learn from their mistakes and adapt their strategies accordingly - a process that provides a profound sense of satisfaction when they finally overcome the game's obstacles.

❤ Emergent Gameplay Through Randomization

Randomized dungeons, monsters, and loot ensure that no two playthroughs are identical. This, combined with the game's intricate mechanics, leads to emergent gameplay where unexpected scenarios and creative solutions arise organically. Players delight in discovering novel interactions and approaches to problems.

❤ Immersive Fantasy World and Roleplaying

While many roguelikes focus solely on dungeon crawling, this game stands out for its vibrant fantasy setting, engaging storylines, and opportunities for roleplaying. Players can explore the land of Ancardia, interact with NPCs, and pursue a variety of quests and endings that shape the narrative, all while being immersed in the game's strong sense of atmosphere and lore.

❤ Persistent Progress and Character Investment

Unlike many roguelikes where progress resets with each new game, this title features a persistent world and character growth that carries over between runs. Players can advance their character's skills and equipment, unlocking new abilities and options. This sense of progression and character investment keeps players engaged over the long term.

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