War of the Human Tanks - ALTeR

by Yakiniku Banzai, Fruitbat Factory

The Developer Says...

Human Tanks - ALTeR is the much-awaited second installment of the War of the Human Tanks series, and sequel to War of the Human Tanks. This time you assume command of the enemy of the first game, the Royal Army, and fight back for all you hold dear!

Players Like...

❤ Diverse Unit Roster and Strategic Positioning

The game provides a wide variety of human-shaped tank units, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and research trees for upgrades. Players must carefully select and position these tanks on the grid-based battlefield to counter the enemy's composition and exploit the terrain. The different unit classes, such as Assault, Recon, Artillery, and Intercept, offer unique capabilities that players must leverage to achieve victory.

❤ Navigating the Fog of War

During battles, players must navigate the fog of war, using scouting and strategic positioning to uncover the enemy's positions and launch targeted attacks. The turn-based nature of the gameplay allows for deliberate, tactical movements, with each tank's "transmission speed" determining when they can act, adding an extra layer of decision-making.

❤ Customizable Tank Modules

One of the key gameplay elements is the ability to equip various modules to your tanks, providing a wide range of customization options. These modules can enhance a tank's firepower, defense, mobility, and special abilities, allowing players to tailor their units to specific situations and challenges.

❤ Adapting to Sophisticated Enemies

As the game progresses, players will face increasingly complex enemy forces, including new tank types with unique abilities. This includes "Control Tanks" that can disable enemy modules, and "Snipers" that can bypass evasion, forcing players to adapt their strategies to overcome these formidable foes.

❤ Nonlinear Campaign and Replayability

While the main story campaign follows a relatively linear structure, the game's "Great Cavern" mode presents a vast, 100-floor dungeon-like challenge with its own narrative and unique battles. This mode allows players to unlock additional tanks, modules, and story elements, greatly expanding the overall gameplay experience and ensuring a high degree of replayability, especially with the ability to revisit earlier battles in New Game+ mode.

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