
by Black Rock Studio, Disney

The Developer Says...

Split/Second is an intense action racing game set within a reality TV show. Competitors vie to be the first to the finish line in a set rigged to blow. Players don’t just collide with other vehicles to knock them from the track, but can also trigger devastating events that alter the race dynamics.

Players Like...

❤ Triggering Explosive Environmental Destruction

Players compete in a fictional reality TV racing show, where they must navigate a city environment rigged to explode. Rather than just ramming opponents, players can strategically trigger devastating "Power Play" events to hinder rivals and alter the track layout. Performing skilled maneuvers like drifting and drafting fills a meter that allows players to activate these cinematic setpieces, which can involve toppling skyscrapers, derailing trains, or causing massive explosions that clear the competition.

❤ Mastering the Tactical Use of Power Plays

Timing the activation of Power Plays is crucial to success. Players must carefully aim to disrupt opponents while avoiding the dangers themselves, as the explosive events often create new shortcuts or alter the optimal racing line. Mastering this tactical application of the game's unique destruction mechanics is key to emerging victorious.

❤ Constantly Evolving, Unpredictable Track Layouts

The track layouts are in a state of perpetual change due to the destructive Power Play events. What may have been the ideal racing line on one lap can be completely obstructed the next, forcing players to stay alert and quickly adapt their approach. This creates an ever-shifting, unpredictable racing experience that heightens the adrenaline factor.

❤ Diverse Game Modes and Challenges

In addition to standard races, the game offers a variety of engaging gameplay modes to mix things up. This includes an "Elimination" mode where the last-place car is continuously knocked out, as well as specialty events tasking players with specific challenges like avoiding airstrikes or linking together drifting maneuvers. This diversity helps prevent the experience from growing stale.

❤ Accessible, Thrilling Arcade Racing

While the game features a high skill ceiling, the vehicle handling is tuned to be forgiving and easy to grasp. This approachable, pick-up-and-play arcade feel, combined with the cinematic, Michael Bay-esque presentation, creates an exhilarating experience that appeals to both casual and hardcore racing fans seeking intense, destruction-fueled thrills.

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