
by Powerhoof

The Developer Says...

Crawl is the local multiplayer dungeon crawler where your friends control the monsters! Battle through dungeons and power up your hero - if a friend kills you they take your place and it’s their turn to crawl. It's a race to gain enough XP and loot to take on the hulking final boss!

Players Like...

❤ The Unique Competitive Multiplayer Premise

Players take on distinct roles in this dungeon crawler. One player controls the hero, while the other three players each control a monster. Whenever the hero falls, the player who delivered the killing blow becomes the new hero. This creates a dynamic where the non-hero players must balance working together to take down the current hero, while also vying to be the one to claim the hero's mantle.

❤ Asymmetrical Progression and Leveling

As the hero levels up and acquires better gear from shops, the monster players gain "Vitae", a resource they can use to upgrade and evolve their creatures. This escalating back-and-forth pushes the hero player to outpace their opponents, while the monster players work to make their roster powerful enough to overthrow the current hero. Players must carefully manage their progression, deciding whether to focus on strengthening themselves or strengthening their monsters.

❤ Diverse Monster Roster and Abilities

The monster players can summon and control a wide variety of creatures, from weak slimes to powerful demons. Each monster has unique abilities that players can leverage, adding depth and strategy to the monster player's role. Monsters can be further evolved using Vitae, unlocking stronger versions with greater powers. This encourages monster players to thoughtfully select which creatures to prioritize upgrading.

❤ Fast-Paced, Skill-Based Combat

Combat is relatively simple, with players having access to a basic attack and one secondary ability. However, the fast pace of battles and the need to constantly position and react to opposing players' tactics rewards skill and quick reflexes. The unpredictability of human-controlled monsters adds an extra layer of challenge, as players must anticipate and respond to their opponents' strategies.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Replayability

Randomized dungeon layouts, item shops, and monster evolutions ensure each playthrough offers a fresh experience. The constantly shifting power dynamics as players trade off being the hero create emergent moments of triumph, betrayal, and desperate last stands. Combined with the game's relatively short session length, these factors encourage repeated playthroughs and a high degree of replayability.

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