Steel Armor: Blaze of War

by Graviteam

The Developer Says...

Steel Armor: Blaze of War is realistic tank simulator with tactical elements. The game models Soviet T-62 tank and US M60A1 tank in detail. Each tank has interactive cockpit with crew. Player controls a tank, and commands a tank platoon and attached forces in 4 large scale dynamic campaigns.

Players Like...

❤ Meticulous Tank Simulation

The game models the Soviet T-62 and US M60A1 main battle tanks with remarkable accuracy, recreating their internal systems, controls, and capabilities in painstaking detail. Players can take on the roles of driver, gunner, loader, and commander within the game's highly detailed 3D tank interiors, performing the specific tasks and procedures required of each crew member. The simulation realistically models factors like gun stabilization, manual rangefinding, ammunition loading, and other core tank mechanics. Without modern features like laser rangefinders and advanced fire control systems, players must carefully calculate ranges and lead targets, making gunnery a challenging and rewarding aspect of the gameplay.

❤ Combined Arms Tactical Warfare

In addition to the tank simulation, the game features a tactical operations mode where players command entire platoons and attached support units. This allows for combined arms gameplay, with tanks working in coordination with infantry, artillery, and air support to achieve objectives. The operational map enables players to maneuver their forces, resupply, and make strategic decisions, while the real-time tactical mode puts them in direct control of the combat. This blend of strategic planning and hands-on tank combat is praised for its depth and realism.

❤ Dynamic, Replayable Campaigns

Rather than scripted missions, the game features dynamic campaigns that generate battles based on the player's movements and actions on the operational map. This increases the game's replayability, as no two playthroughs will unfold the same way. The campaigns cover different theaters and scenarios, from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to the Iran-Iraq war, allowing players to experience a variety of tactical challenges. The open-ended nature of the campaigns means that victory is not guaranteed, forcing players to adapt their strategies to the evolving battlefield conditions.

❤ Unforgiving Realism

Players praise the game's uncompromising realism, which can make the gameplay challenging but ultimately rewarding. The game does not hold the player's hand, and poor decisions or tactical mistakes can lead to swift and devastating consequences. Factors like ammunition, fuel, and crew fatigue must all be carefully managed, while the lethality of the tanks' main guns means that a single well-placed shot can cripple or destroy a vehicle. This high-stakes combat creates a tense and immersive experience, where every engagement must be approached with caution and skill.

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