by Fernando Ramallo, David Kanaga, Finji

The Developer Says...

Manipulate the look, sound, and feel of more than a dozen mesmerizing landscapes in this immersive musical adventure through space and time.

Players Like...

❤ Manipulate Audiovisual Worlds

Players can manipulate more than a dozen mesmerizing landscapes, altering the look, sound, and feel of each environment. The game's 18 different audio-visual dimensions, including color, texture, detail, weight, and proportion, respond dynamically to keyboard, gamepad, or MIDI controller inputs. Experimenting with various control combinations allows players to procedurally generate unique, ever-changing visuals and sounds.

❤ Discover Endless Possibilities

Each of the game's 15 distinct environments offers a wide range of possibilities for players to explore and discover. Small adjustments to the control parameters can dramatically transform the audiovisual output, leading to a constant sense of wonder and surprise. Reviewers describe the experience as one of free-form, open-ended discovery, with no predefined objectives or narratives to follow.

❤ Calming, Contemplative Experiences

Many players find the game's abstract visuals and generative, ambient soundscapes to be calming and meditative. The non-prescriptive nature of the experience allows players to engage with it at their own pace, using it as a form of relaxation, background ambiance, or even interactive art.

❤ Synesthetic Exploration

A key appeal of the experience is its ability to create synesthetic experiences, where manipulating visual parameters directly affects the accompanying music, and vice versa. Reviewers describe a compelling sense of seeing the music and hearing the visuals, creating a truly immersive, multisensory exploration.

❤ Collaborative Creativity

Some reviewers highlight the game's potential for collaborative play, where multiple players can take turns shaping the audiovisual output through shared manipulation of the control parameters. This shared creative experience is seen as a unique and rewarding aspect of the exploration.

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