Echoes of the Abyss


The Developer Says...

Dive into a rogue-lite survivor action game, where world changes based on your Sanity. Eat or be eaten. Grow from Prey into Hunter. Build ability-combos to survive waves of creatures from the Abyss. Uncover secrets of your lost humanity.

Players Like...

❤ Traversing Procedural Levels and Battling Hordes

Players must traverse procedurally generated levels, battling hordes of creatures from the Abyss. The core gameplay loop involves managing the player's Sanity meter, which transforms the environment and enemy encounters based on its level.

❤ Delicate Sanity Balance

As the player's Sanity decreases, the world becomes increasingly hostile and challenging. Players must carefully balance their Sanity by consuming smaller creatures or uncovering secrets about their lost humanity.

❤ Upgrading and Combining Abilities

Players can upgrade three base abilities - Shield, Dash, and Scream - using experience points gained from defeating enemies. They can further enhance these abilities by finding power-runes that imbue them with elemental effects, such as Poison, Frost, or Electricity. Mastering ability combinations and synergies is crucial for survival.

❤ Rogue-Lite Structure and Replayability

The game features a rogue-lite structure, where players must start from the beginning after each death. However, the procedural generation and the ability to carry over certain upgrades or unlocks between runs help to ensure a fresh and engaging experience with each playthrough.

❤ Lovecraftian Atmosphere and Narrative

The Lovecraftian-inspired setting and narrative, which explores themes of lost humanity and the unknown, create a compelling and immersive atmosphere. The secrets and lore hidden throughout the levels encourage players to uncover the game's deeper mysteries.

❤ Player Feedback and Improvements

While the game currently has no user reviews, the developer has an opportunity to gather player feedback and address any issues or areas for improvement to create a more polished and enjoyable experience.

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