There's Something In The Ice

by JustTomcuk

The Developer Says...

In 2015, three scientists at the Antarctic research station "Zarya" drilled into the ice to a depth of 2 kilometers and took samples for study... It seems that what they found was not at all what they were looking for...

Players Like...

❤ Atmospheric Immersion

Reviewers consistently praise the game's ability to craft an unsettling and eerie atmosphere, drawing clear inspiration from iconic sci-fi horror films like "The Thing." The environment is meticulously detailed, from the creaking pipes and squeaking floors of the bunker to the biting cold and howling winds of the raging snowstorm outside. The advanced lighting system, leveraging Unreal Engine 5's LUMEN technology, plays a crucial role in heightening the game's unsettling ambiance.

❤ Captivating Narrative Delivery

Unlike traditional text-based storytelling, the game delivers its narrative primarily through engaging character dialogues. This approach, combined with the high-quality voice acting, helps players feel deeply invested in the characters' plights and the unfolding mystery. Reviewers appreciate how the slow-paced, well-constructed narrative emulates the storytelling of classic sci-fi horror films.

❤ Exploratory Mystery

While the experience is largely narrative-driven, the game encourages players to explore the Antarctic research station and uncover clues about the unfolding events. The non-linear nature of the environment, with areas gradually becoming more inaccessible or transformed, adds to the sense of mystery and the feeling of being trapped in a hostile, otherworldly setting.

❤ Streamlined Gameplay Focus

Several reviews note that the game prioritizes atmosphere and storytelling over complex gameplay mechanics, describing it as a "walking simulator" that eschews traditional survival or combat elements. This design choice seems to resonate with many players who appreciate the game's restraint and dedication to creating a compelling cinematic experience.

❤ Pacing and Replayability

The game's relatively short length, typically around 90 minutes, is viewed as both a strength and a weakness by reviewers. On one hand, it allows for a focused, streamlined experience that doesn't overstay its welcome. On the other hand, some players wish for more content or alternate paths that could extend the gameplay and enhance the replayability.

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