Revenge Of The Colon

by Lilou Studio

The Developer Says...

Revenge of the colon is a story driven, single-player, atmospheric, body horror game with multiple endings. Perform colonoscopies on five patients and discover the horrors concealed deep within them. PS1 horror style!

Players Like...

❤ Atmosphere and Immersion

The game's retro PS1-style visuals, with their low-resolution textures and pixelated environments, transport players to a bygone era of horror gaming, evoking a sense of nostalgic discomfort.
The ambient audio, featuring unsettling soundscapes and muted, droning tones, create a pervasive atmosphere of unease and claustrophobia, heightening the player's immersion in the game's disturbing subject matter.

❤ Narrative and Storytelling

The narrative premise of the player assuming the role of a respected gastroenterologist facing a mysterious and unsettling final week of practice sets the stage for a compelling, character-driven story.
The game's five distinct patient chapters, each focusing on a unique aspect of body horror, provide players with a diverse and unpredictable narrative experience, as they uncover the increasingly bizarre and disturbing secrets within their patients' colons.
The multiple ending possibilities, based on the player's choices and actions throughout the game, encourage replayability and allow players to shape the ultimate outcome of the gastroenterologist's harrowing journey.

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The player's arsenal of specialized medical tools, including a scanner, grabber, saw, laser, and flushing mechanism, offer a range of options for identifying, treating, and removing the strange and unsettling objects found within the patients' colons.
The act of performing colonoscopies, a procedure typically associated with routine medical care, becomes a source of unease and discomfort as players navigate the claustrophobic, fleshy environments, without the threat of traditional combat-based gameplay.

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