Oh Deer

by Cozy Cabin Studios

The Developer Says...

One Hunter, and up to four more friends disguised as deer. In this thrilling game of hide-and-seek where every move could be the last. Will you blend in with the herd or stand out? Oh Deer...

Players Like...

❤ Unique Multiplayer Premise

One player takes on the role of the hunter, while up to four other players become deer hiding in the forest. This asymmetric gameplay premise creates an engaging dynamic of cat-and-mouse, challenging the deer players to work together and avoid detection by the skilled hunter.

❤ Blending In with the Herd

Deer players must seamlessly blend in with the AI-controlled deer that populate the forest. Eating mushrooms and making deer-like movements and sounds is crucial to avoiding detection. However, the timing of these actions is critical, as improper use could give away a player's position to the observant hunter.

❤ Utilizing the Environment

The forest environment provides ample opportunities for the deer to hide and evade the hunter. Tall trees, dense bushes, and various terrain features allow the deer to disappear from the hunter's line of sight. Careful movement and positioning are essential for the deer to use the environment to their advantage.

❤ Challenging the Hunter

While the deer players must rely on stealth and evasion, the hunter is equipped with various tools and skills to track down their prey. The hunter must use sound cues, gadgets, and keen observation to identify the deer players among the AI-controlled herd. This dynamic creates a thrilling game of cat-and-mouse where each move could be the difference between life and death.

❤ Narrative and Comedic Elements

The game incorporates narrative and comedic elements that enhance the overall experience. The lore, where deer can transform into Wendigos, adds a layer of tension and horror to the proceedings. Furthermore, the game's quirky and humorous elements, such as deer farts and mushroom-induced transformations, contribute to the light-hearted and entertaining atmosphere.

❤ Cooperative and Competitive Dynamics

The gameplay encourages both cooperative and competitive dynamics among the players. Deer players must work together to evade the hunter, while the hunter must outsmart and eliminate the deer. This balance of teamwork and individual skill creates engaging gameplay that appeals to a wide range of players.

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