
by Pil/Slash, JAST BLUE

The Developer Says...

Paradise is a Boys Love visual novel and tells the story of a group of men who go on holiday on a deserted island. When things begin to go wrong, they realize to their horror that they are stranded. Turns out that’s only the start of their problems.

Players Like...

❤ Branching Narrative System

The visual novel presents players with numerous choices throughout the story, significantly impacting the direction and outcome of the narrative. This allows players to explore different relationship paths and uncover various plot twists and secrets based on their decisions, resulting in a high degree of player agency and replayability.

❤ Multiple Romantic Interests

Players can choose to focus on developing a romantic relationship with one or more of the five eligible bachelors, each with distinct personalities and story arcs. This adds depth and complexity to the narrative experience, as players shape their desired romantic outcomes through the game's "Decide Your Romance" feature.

❤ Atmospheric Storytelling

The game's setting, a seemingly idyllic but ultimately dangerous deserted island, creates a strong sense of atmosphere and tension. The narrative skillfully blends elements of mystery, adventure, and horror, keeping players engaged and on the edge of their seats as the story unfolds. The "Spark of Feelings" feature aims to immerse players in the emotional journey of the characters.

❤ Accessibility Options

The game offers an "easy mode" option, allowing players to safely navigate the narrative without the need for extensive guides or walkthroughs. This feature caters to a wider audience, including players new to the visual novel genre or those who prefer a more relaxed experience.

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