Where Cats 猫咪在哪里

by 冷笑黑妖

The Developer Says...

Find 100 cats. A carefully hand drawn 4K scene filled with cute characters. The process is short and won't take up too much player time. You can choose your favorite dyeing for the convenience of color blind players. Extremely easy to achieve.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The game presents players with a single, carefully hand-drawn 4K scene and challenges them to find 100 cats hidden within it. Players can click on the cats to collect them, and the scene initially appears in black and white, with the cats providing the only color. This allows players to easily spot the feline protagonists. Additionally, the game gives players the ability to change the color palette of the scene, catering to the needs of color-blind players.

❤ Level of Challenge

Reviews suggest the game starts off relatively easy, with the cats being fairly straightforward to locate. However, the difficulty gradually increases as players progress, with the last few cats becoming increasingly well-hidden and challenging to find. Several reviewers noted that locating the final one or two cats required multiple passes through the scene and a keen eye. This gradual increase in difficulty keeps the gameplay engaging and provides a sense of accomplishment when all 100 cats are found.

❤ Accessibility and Replayability

The game's short gameplay duration, estimated to be around 15-30 minutes, makes it suitable for quick play sessions. The automatic save and load system allows players to pick up where they left off, and the lack of any punishment or penalties encourages a relaxed, enjoyable experience. While the core gameplay loop of finding 100 cats may not offer extensive replayability, some reviewers enjoyed revisiting the scene to locate the cats more efficiently or to explore the intricate hand-drawn artwork in greater detail.

❤ Player Enjoyment

Reviewers seem to have thoroughly enjoyed their time with the game, with the cute, charming aesthetic featuring the feline protagonists being a significant draw. The relaxing, low-pressure nature of the gameplay was widely praised, with reviewers finding the experience to be both calming and satisfying. The game's simplicity and accessibility were highlighted as key strengths, making it an enjoyable experience for players of all ages and skill levels. The challenge of locating the increasingly well-hidden cats also provided a sense of accomplishment for those who managed to complete the game.

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