Tales of Maj'Eyal

by Netcore Games

The Developer Says...

Tales of Maj’Eyal is a roguelike RPG, featuring tactical turn-based combat and advanced character building. Play as one of many unique races and classes in the lore-filled world of Eyal, exploring random dungeons, facing challenging battles, and developing characters with your own tailored mix of abilities and powers.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat

Players must carefully consider their moves and abilities to overcome challenging encounters in the tactical turn-based combat. The game features a wide variety of unique enemy types, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and special abilities that players must adapt to. Combat requires players to think strategically about positioning, resource management, and synergizing their character's skills to emerge victorious.

❤ Diverse Class and Race Options

You can choose from over 20 unique classes and 10 races, each offering radically different playstyles and abilities. For example, you can play as a melee-focused Berserker, a ranged Arcane Archer, a spell-slinging Necromancer, or a time-manipulating Paradox Mage. This provides an impressive level of customization and replayability.

❤ Flexible Character Progression

As you progress, you can further specialize and customize your character through a deep and intricate talent tree system. Each class features multiple distinct skill paths, allowing you to tailor your character to your preferred playstyle. You must balance your character's defensive, offensive, and utility capabilities to succeed in the game's challenging encounters.

❤ Emergent Gameplay and Replayability

The procedurally generated nature of the game's dungeons and environments ensures that each playthrough offers a unique experience. You never know what you will encounter, forcing you to adapt your strategies on the fly. Combined with the vast array of class and race combinations, this creates a highly replayable experience, constantly revealing new strategies and synergies to explore.

❤ Streamlined Mechanics

While maintaining the core tenets of the roguelike genre, the game has streamlined many of the more frustrating mechanics common in traditional roguelikes. Features like auto-identification of items and the removal of a hunger system help to reduce tedious micromanagement, allowing players to focus on the deep tactical combat and character progression.

❤ Community and Modding

The game's dedicated community and robust modding support further enhance the gameplay experience. You can engage with others through the game's integrated chat system, seeking advice or sharing your accomplishments. The extensive modding capabilities allow you to customize and expand the game in countless ways, ensuring the gameplay remains fresh and engaging for years to come.

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