Girlfriend from Hell

by That Guy's Games

The Developer Says...

He didn't want to marry me! I will make his life a living hell!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The game casts players in the role of Miya, a scorned girlfriend who seeks revenge against her boyfriend Haruto after he rejects her marriage proposal in favor of his video game addiction. The gameplay involves navigating Miya through various levels and environments, collecting items, and using them to set up traps and pranks to torment Haruto.

❤ Puzzle-Solving Mechanics

At the heart of the gameplay is a series of environmental puzzles that players must solve to progress. For example, players may need to scatter toy balls on the floor to make Haruto slip and fall, or saw through the chair he's sitting on. Solving these puzzles requires logical thinking and a mischievous sense of creativity, as players experiment with combining different objects in clever ways.

❤ Environmental Interactivity

The game's 2D environments are highly interactive, allowing players to examine and manipulate a wide variety of objects, from household items to office supplies. This encourages exploration and experimentation, as players discover new ways to use the available resources to torment Haruto in increasingly absurd and comical ways.

❤ Progressive Difficulty

As players advance through the levels, the puzzles become more complex, requiring them to combine multiple items and environmental elements to create more elaborate traps. This gradual increase in difficulty provides a sense of challenge and encouragement to delve deeper into the game's mechanics.

❤ Accessible Gameplay

The game features intuitive point-and-click controls and a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to players of all skill levels. This allows them to fully immerse themselves in the game's humor and puzzle-solving without being hindered by complex mechanics or steep learning curves.

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