Simulator of Ukraine 1991

by Almost Games

The Developer Says...

This game is a global strategy, which is primarily focused on Ukraine after leaving the Soviet occupation. Here you will be given control of Ukraine with the opportunity to change history and intervene in the events of that time.

Players Like...

❤ Overview

This global strategy game allows players to take control of Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The gameplay focuses on Ukraine's internal and external affairs, empowering players to shape the country's future and influence events on the global stage.

❤ Branching Gameplay Mechanics

The game's core mechanic revolves around a system of "tricks" that players can perform. These branching decisions directly impact the game world, enabling players to sway the political, economic, and social landscape of Ukraine through their strategic choices.

❤ Regional Influence and Expansion

Players can interact with and influence the regions of other countries using an influence mechanic. By increasing their influence in foreign territories, players can either purchase or annex these regions, expanding Ukraine's reach and power.

❤ Economic and Investment Management

Improving the regions under their control is another key aspect of the gameplay. Players must carefully balance economic factors, such as investment and development, to increase investor support and population support, ensuring the prosperity and stability of Ukraine's various regions.

❤ Nonlinear Progression and Replayability

The game offers a high degree of nonlinearity, allowing players to choose their own path for Ukraine, ranging from a democratic system to an authoritarian dictatorship. This, combined with the wide range of possibilities and branching decisions, provides players with a high degree of replayability, as they can experiment with different scenarios and observe their impact on Ukraine's future.

❤ Realistic Simulation and Challenge

The game is praised for its realistic simulation, as players must consider factors such as the economy, politics, social mood, and international relations when making decisions. This level of complexity can present a challenge for beginner players, but it also contributes to the game's depth and engagement for more experienced strategy enthusiasts.

❤ Positive User Feedback

Based on the overwhelmingly positive user reviews (95% positive), players seem to love the game's realistic and engaging gameplay, as well as the opportunity to shape the course of Ukrainian history. The game's attention to detail, well-designed interface, and potential for replayability have all been highlighted as strengths by the community.

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