Gym Simulator 24

by Quatech, Red Axe Games

The Developer Says...

Gym Simulator 24: Build Your Fitness Empire! Embark on a journey to create your dream fitness haven in Gym Simulator 24, the ultimate simulation game where you'll ascend the ranks and craft your very own fitness empire.

Players Like...

❤ Customization Empowers Players

Players can clean and customize their gym space, choosing from a variety of wall colors, carpet patterns, and other design elements. This level of customization allows them to create a unique and visually appealing fitness sanctuary that reflects their personal style and preferences.

❤ Diverse Equipment and Amenities Cater to Clients

As players progress, they can gradually expand their selection of workout equipment, ranging from basic exercise machines to more specialized gear. This diverse array caters to the needs of various client demographics, helping players attract and retain a diverse customer base. Additionally, players can add luxurious amenities such as saunas and massage rooms, further enhancing the overall customer experience and satisfaction.

❤ Thrilling Boxing Arena and Betting Opportunities

One unique feature is the inclusion of a boxing arena. Players can train athletes to become champions and organize thrilling matches, which can then be used to attract betting opportunities. This feature diversifies revenue streams and provides an exciting, high-stakes element to the gameplay.

❤ Apparel Change Area Expands Services

Players can create an apparel change area for clients, allowing them to offer the latest sportswear trends. This additional service can improve customer satisfaction and generate additional revenue streams, turning the gym into a hub for both fitness and fashion.

❤ Intuitive Gameplay Mechanics, but Occasional Bugs

The game's user interface is clean and well-explained, making it easy for players to navigate and manage their gym operations. However, some players have noted occasional bugs and glitches, particularly related to NPC behavior, which the developers are likely addressing through ongoing updates.

❤ Concerns about Longevity and Replayability

Some players have reported that they were able to unlock and purchase everything the game has to offer within a relatively short period of time, around 7-8 hours of gameplay. This has led to concerns about the game's depth and long-term appeal. However, the developers have indicated that they are committed to expanding the game's content and features through regular updates, which should help address this issue and provide a more engaging and enduring experience for players.

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