Old School

by MDickie

The Developer Says...

Relive your school days in 3D, where old school graphics bring back timeless fun! Create your own star student and attend a schedule full of classes in time to gather the knowledge you need to thrive, while an equally important popularity contest challenges you survive...

Players Like...

❤ Chaotic Open-World Gameplay

Players immerse themselves in a chaotic open world, where anything can happen at any moment. The fictionalized school setting teems with unpredictable non-player characters (NPCs) who engage in random acts of violence, mischief, and general unpredictability. At any given moment, players may find themselves caught in the middle of fights, explosions, and other mayhem, creating a sense of constant excitement and tension.

❤ Versatile Interaction and Combat System

At the core of the gameplay is a versatile interaction and combat system. Players can engage with various NPCs and objects in numerous ways, including physical combat techniques inspired by professional wrestling. They can execute suplexes, clotheslines, and body slams to defend themselves or instigate fights with classmates, teachers, and even authority figures.

❤ Emergent Narrative and Consequences

The open-ended nature of the gameplay leads to an emergent narrative, where players' choices and actions directly impact the course of events. Attending classes, skipping school, or engaging in mischievous behavior can have far-reaching consequences, from getting in trouble with the authorities to experiencing personal relationships and interpersonal dynamics changing based on their decisions.

❤ Diverse Character Customization

The game offers a robust character customization system, allowing players to create their own unique student avatar. They can select from a wide range of preset character models or fully customize their appearance, age, and other attributes, enabling a strong sense of personal investment in their in-game persona.

❤ Multiplayer Chaos (Local)

The local multiplayer component adds an extra layer of unpredictability and dynamic interactions, as additional players can join the chaos as either allies or adversaries. Players can choose to support or sabotage each other's efforts to navigate the school environment, further amplifying the game's unique brand of mayhem.

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